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Photo ID: 526
Gallery ID: 286 - Katherine Bateson-Chandler
[Back] | Photo Title: Alltech WEG Dressage Katherine Bateson-Chandler | Quality: JPG File Dimensions: 2141(px) x 3309(px) Megapixels: 7.08 Print Size: @72DPI = 29.74in x 45.96in @150DPI = 14.27in x 22.06in @300DPI = 7.14in x 11.03in File Size: 4.07(mb) Digital download price: Please Contact Us
Keywords: alltech fei games, world equestrian games, weg, dressage, katherine bateson-chandler, dressage, nartan, united states, kwpn, dutch warmblood, pirouette |
Description: Alltech FEI Games, WEG, Dressage Katherine Basteson-Chandler and Nartsan compete in the 2010 World Equestrina Games dressage in Lexington, KY |
Additional Info:
| Creation Date: (yyyymmdd)
| 20100927 | Author:
| Shawn Hamilton | Byline:
| CLiX Photography | City:
| Lexington | State:
| KY | Country:
| USA | Transmission Reference:
| BSS | Headline:
| Alltech WEG 2010 | Description Writer:
| Shawn Hamilton | |
Rating: 3.5/10 (57 votes cast) |
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